Frequently Asked Questions



How much does it cost?

Fees vary from therapist to therapist and with the particular service provided. Generally, the fee range is from approximately $100-$170 per session (usually just under one hour in length).

Is the service covered by OHIP?

No, the only services covered by OHIP are those provided by medical practitioners.

Is there coverage for fees from any source?

Yes. Nearly all employers offer benefit packages in some form that will cover the fees of certain practitioners. These plans vary widely and you are advised to check with the your human resources department or benefit package information booklet to determine what and who your specific plan will cover and for how much (annual limits of coverage).

A second source of coverage may be through an Employee Assistance Plan or EAP. Several employers have set up such plans in addition to (or occasionally instead of) other benefits. Again, these vary widely in the amount of counselling they will cover; some may require that you see a specific counsellor. The Employee Assistance Program page of this site provides more detailed information in this regard.

Thirdly, WSIB benefits will generally cover the costs of our services, if approved by the insurer or WSIB claim administrator.

Fourthly, Victim Services provides funding for select therapists on referral from the Victim Quick Response Program.

Finally, a number of our private practitioners are pleased to provide Ministry of Health-funded services to the Stratford Family Health Team - on direct referral from your family physician. Please consult your family physician’s office for details. Please note that only patients who are not employed / have no benefits, may qualify for this service.

How long will I have to wait to be seen?

Generally, new clients are able to be seen within one to three weeks. Again, this estimate will vary depending on the practitioner that you see and the type of service you are requesting. We are not an urgent care facility and do not provide Crisis Counselling. For Crisis situations, please visit your family physician, your nearest Hospital Emergency Department or call the Crisis Line at: 1-888-829-7484.

Do I need to be referred by my doctor?

No, you may self-refer. Some benefit packages, however, may require that you have the service prescribed by your doctor to allow you to claim your benefits. This link will take you to the online referral form.

How do I pay for the service?

Usually, benefit packages will require that you pay for the service as you are seen; then submit a claim through your employer for reimbursement of the eligible portion of fees. EAP's do not require that the client pay anything. WSIB claimants are not required to pay for services. Cash clients (i.e., those without benefits) are provided receipts that qualify as medical expenses for attachment to income tax forms.

Are my sessions confidential?

Absolutely. Regardless of how you come to us (EAP, self-referral, physician-referral, etc.), all counselling sessions are held in complete confidence. No information is released to any recipient without your written and informed consent.